UiO Math 11th floor Student Seminar

This is the webpage for the student seminar on the 11th floor of Nils Henrik Abels hus, covering topics within algebra, geometry and topology primarily.

We are fully digital, events and zoom links will be added in the following calendar:

Subscribe to the calendar by clicking the bottom right + sign.

Past talks

Date Topic/Slides Speaker
2021-04-15 Toric Geometry Simen Westbye Moe
2021-04-15 Newtonian physics, special relativity and some general relativity Edvard Aksnes
2021-04-08 Two coniveau filtrations Ola Sande
2021-03-25 Mumford, Severi and the Chow Group of Zero Cycles Bjørn Skauli
2021-03-18 An Introduction to Motivic Homotopy theory Nikolai Thode Opdan
2021-03-11 Degenerations & Stable Rationality [Part 2] Simen Westbye Moe
2021-03-04 Degenerations & Stable Rationality [Part 1] Simen Westbye Moe
2021-02-25 Birational Invariants and the Lüroth problem [alt link] Bjørn Skauli
2021-02-18 Around Ragsdale conjecture and the topology of real plane algebraic curves Cédric Le Texier
2021-02-11 Geometry of blowups of the plane Simen Westbye Moe
2021-01-28 Fundamental groups in real and complex algebraic geometry Edvard Aksnes